
Wellspring is an organization that supports those living with Cancer, and their Caregivers. It is my privilege and honour to be a part of the support team at Wellspring, where I teach their members how to relax, to meditate and to reduce their stresses. Here are their statements of vision, mission. and goals taken from their web site (www.wellspring.ca):

Wellspring is the model of excellence for innovation and universal delivery of supportive cancer care.


To create the best programs to meet the psychological, emotional and educational needs of individuals and families living with cancer and deliver those programs to people in Canada.


  1. Maintain excellence in all Wellspring centres
  2. Develop innovative programs and continuously improve those in existence
  3. Serve as many cancer patients and their loved ones as possible with regard to Canada’s diversity
  4. Secure a sustainable funding base
  5. Achieve and maintain organizational health
If you have cancer, or know someone who is living with cancer, perhaps you will find a program at Wellspring that can support your needs. I currently teach meditation at their Halton-Peel (Oakville), Chinguacousy (Brampton), Odette House (Toronto), Sunnybrook (Toronto) and Niagara (Thorold) locations.