20 Grote St
St. Catharines, ON L2N 2E8
The theme for the Winter session is Buddhist Meditations
Click ybs_meditationclasses_winter_2017 for Flyer
Easy Meditations for Beginners
Workshop ($30.00 + hst) – 1 Week
You will be introduced to a variety of meditation techniques from a number of spiritual traditions.
An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
($100.00 + hst) – 4 Weeks
In this 4 week class series you will learn the basic principles of Mindfulness Meditation, as a part of the 8 Fold Path of Buddhism.
Tibetan Buddhist Healing Meditations ($100.00 + hst) – 4 Weeks
In this class series we will learn three Tibetan Buddhist Healing Meditations: Tonglen, the art of healing the suffering of others, Maitri, the art of healing our suffering, and Metta, the art of Loving Kindness
Sleep Seminar: How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Workshop ($30.00 + hst) – 1 Week
Our sleep cycle is a time for healing and rejuvenation. In this workshop, we will learn meditation techniques and breathing exercises that will help us get a good night’s sleep. We will learn how to relax and clear the mind. We will learn how to slow the body’s metabolism down. We will learn how to go into a deep sleep and wake up refreshed.